Top Homebuyer Turn-Offs: What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home

If you’re preparing to sell your home, you probably want potential buyers to fall in love at first sight. But the reality is, that buyers have a critical eye, and there are certain things that could turn them off completely. They notice everything, from paint color to floor plan. As your St. Augustine Realtor, I’ve heard it all. If you haven’t seen my video from two years ago click here, and let me tell you that those 8 items still apply—buyers will absolutely still hate those things. I wanted to update you on some new items that have been coming up lately that buyers are having an issue with. So today, let’s dive in and make sure your home is ready to impress!

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home1. Mismatched Flooring Buyers love consistency. If your home has different types of flooring in each room, it can feel disjointed and poorly planned. Whether it’s hardwood in one room, tiles in another, or vinyl in yet another, this lack of cohesion can be a big turn-off. If possible, invest in a uniform flooring option to create a seamless flow throughout the house.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home2. Overuse of Gray Gray was the go-to color for years, but buyers are now craving warmth and personality in their homes. If your home is drowning in gray—floors, walls, cabinets—consider adding some natural tones or pops of color. Even a simple update like repainting with whites or creams can make your home feel more inviting.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home3. Dark and Cluttered Spaces Buyers want bright, open spaces where they can envision themselves living. If your home has dark corners or cluttered rooms, it’s time to lighten up and clear out. Open the blinds, add some lighting, and declutter to make each room feel more spacious and welcoming.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home4. Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Carpeting can be a major turn-off, especially if it’s outdated or covers a large area. If your home needs a full renovation, don’t waste money on new carpet—price your home accordingly and maybe offer a concession for new flooring. Let the buyer choose their own style during their renovation.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home5. Converted Rooms While converting a room to suit your lifestyle might work for you, it might not make sense to a buyer. Before listing your home, return converted rooms to their original purpose. For example, if you’ve turned a bedroom into a home gym or a dining room into a craft room, consider staging it back to its original function.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home6. Neglected Landscaping First impressions matter. Overgrown or poorly maintained landscaping can be a huge turn-off. In Florida, where outdoor living is a big part of the lifestyle, having a well-maintained yard is crucial. Make sure your curb appeal is on point by trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and adding some fresh plants or flowers.

What to Fix Before Selling Your St. Augustine Home7. Pets We all love our pets, but buyers might not. During showings, it’s best to take your pets with you. Don’t leave them in a garage or a crate, as this can create a negative impression. Buyers should be focused on your home, not on the barking dog in the next room.



Ready to Sell? Selling your home can be a stressful process, but it doesn’t have to be. By addressing these common buyer turn-offs, you can make your home more appealing and get it sold faster. If you’re thinking about selling or just want some tips to get your home market-ready, feel free to reach out. As a local expert in St. Augustine real estate, I’m here to help you every step of the way.

Thinking about selling your home? Contact us today for personalized advice on how to get your home market-ready. Let’s make sure your home is one that buyers will love!